A custom-built Flash-O-Gram is the perfect way to put a smile on your friends face no matter where in the world they are, if they can get online a Flash-O-Gram can be sent to them that has been custom built with the information you have given us.
This might be funny details about your friend, or information they might think about how did we find that out about them !!.
Feel free to contact the team from Flash-O-Grams about getting a personalised video made that can be sent to your friend, our Adult entertainment limits are only set by your budget.
Each custom Flash-O-Gram will be priced on the information you supply us and a quote will be given.
Price: $POA U.S Dollars
Flash-O-Grams will provide your custom video within five days of your payment showing in our account. Please read our terms of service before booking your entertainment Flash-O-Gram